KCleaner 3.5.0 update

KCLEANER ( has been updated. You can easily remove the security (?) Programs that need to be installed for forcibly installed when connecting banks. The malicious program made with the same file name as the Windows default processor also ends neatly. Essential drivers (graphics, sound) do not end. Trusted vaccines do not end. You can easily stop the slow of the explorer (toolbar). It can be used without installation. Download Related links Kcleaner: https://kcleaner.kilho.net License KCleaner is freeWare ....

Image converter distribution

It is a program that allows you to easily change the image format. You can change various image formats. Save JPG with higher compression rate using Mozjpeg. PDF files are saved for each page. If it is a transparent background, it is maintained in PNG and Webp. If you find a problem when using it, please leave it in the question BBS.

Woo Young Woo Madness Introduction

This is a web program that I made recent fun of the drama "Woo Young Woo." There is no special feature, but please look at it. ;) Sites used to extract vocabulary/organize https://www.korean.go.kr https://stdict.korean.go.kr https://opendict.korean.go.kr https://krdict.korean.go.kr Source code https://github.com/newkilho/woo0woo Library https://www.typeitjs.com

Php short tag change program

It is a program that changes a short tag (<?) From a PHP file. If it's a changed file, the original file adds .bak to the extension. <= $ Hello?> $ hello; It is changed to.> If you use the options (-S), <? = Does not change. How to use ConvertShortopentag.exe [Option]{File name or folder name} Download Related links Source: https://github.com/newkilho/convertshortopentag License Kalmuri is freeWare. It doesn't matter if you use it without any space restrictions on your company, home, government office, and school. Think Server installation ...

Bitcoin Han River Index

In order to predict AI in terms of virtual gambling chips such as Bitcoin, I suddenly think of it because I suddenly think of it. The coin -related community extracts the frequency of the word Han River and prints it as a chart. Please watch it for fun ^^

Damoa deployment

This is an app created while studying React Native. It is an app that collects articles that are issued by famous communities. Community List: Pompu, today's humor, Ruriweb, Kleeang, Efem Korea, Baby Dream, Nate Pan, and Wigosu (excluded the site that looks normal only when you log in.) Please leave the site to be added by e -mail.