Image size adjustment at once

There are many types of icons and splash images required for developing iPhones and Android apps. This size is used in Fire Monkey, so please change the number in other environments. I was in a hurry to lose the existing program ... ㅠㅠ 1. Graphicsmagick installation 2. Splash image creation placement file GM Convert -Resize "320x480^" -Gravity Center -crop "320x480+0+0" "%1" Splash_320x480.png GM Convert -Resize "426x320^" -Gravity ...

Finding the current location (PHP)

The location is obtained through the Geolocation function, and if it is a browser that is not related or supported, the location is obtained with the IPI through the API provided by Naver. Before use, get Naver's API key to the address below ( <? Function Makesignature ($ Secretkey, $ Method, $ Basestring, $ Timestamp, $ AccessKey) { $ space = '; $ newline = "\ n"; $ hmac = $ method. $ space. $ baseString. $ signaute = base64_encode (hash_hmac ('SHA256', $ HMAC, $ Secretkey, True)); return $ signaute; } if ($ _ POST ['ORDER'] == 'geolocation') { $hostNameUrl = ''; $requestUrl= '/geolocation/v2/geoLocation'; $accessKey...