Create shortcut links using Google API

I needed a short link, so I made it PHP. You can use it after registering Google API. How to use: Shortur_google ('original address', 'API key'); <? PHP Function Shortur_google ($ URL, $ Key) { $ post = array ('LONGURL' => $ URL); $ json = json_encode ($ post); $ curlobj = curl_init (); curl_setopt ($ curlobj, curlopt_url, ''..nkey); CURL_SETOPT ($ curlobj, curlopt_returntransfer, 1); CURL_SETOPT ($ curlobj, curlopt_ssl_verifypeer, 0); CURL_SETOPT ($ curlobj, curlopt_Header, 0); curl_setopt ($ curlobj, curlopt_httpHeader, Array ('Content-Type: Application/JSON' '); CURL_SETOPT ($ curlobj, curlopt_post, 1); CURL_SETOPT ($ curlobj, curlopt_postfields, $ json); $ json = json_decode (curl_exec ($ curlobj)); curl_close ($ curlobj); return $ json-> ID; } Echo Shortur_google ('', 'API-KEY-API-KEY-Api-Key'); ?>

Advertisement using the tenting API

Tenping advertisements are shown on Facebook, so I will write it as a test and PHP. Through the revenue ranking within the tenting site, if you think about the total sales, you can operate for a long time; If you have a good performance after the test, we will write a number of methods using tenting (click optimization, etc.). (* Source is only for those who registered as seniors ㅎㅎ) Anyway, this is an example of printing using Tenping API. Tenping subscription "" ...

Modify the WordPress theme

It is a method of modifying the file that is backed up (represented by a child theme) without touching the original when modifying the WordPress theme. To easily check the children theme used, create a new folder in the "WP-Content/Theme" folder by combining the theme name. Copy the "Style.css" of the original theme to the child theme folder and "Theme Name", "Themplate" as below ...

Error when installing Gnuboard on Autoset

The error occurred when I installed the Gnuboard on the Windows server. I don't know what the latest version is, but what's on "V 6.3.1" ... (How old is it?) Anyway, "500 error" occurs when you approach the "Data" folder. Deleting the ".htaccess" file confirms that it can be used normally Edit from "HTTP-VHOSTS" to "Allowoverride All" The web server is restarted and confirmed that it works normally ^^ (After modifying, I found that there are articles such as

Image warehouse update

Recently, the sudden increase in traffic has been used to relocate and stabilize the server. Name server change Source modification Design change Change how to use it Add shortcut domain Mobile support Image expansion support In addition, we will be able to make a quick connection abroad through CDN as soon as possible. If you find a problem after using it, please leave it in the question bbs.