
Real -time popular writing collection

We hope you will be full of luck and peace in the new year in 2021. When I thought about last year, I seemed to have stayed without any interest in specific fields. In the new year, I was thinking to start with a new heart If you can collect the popular articles of the famous community I thought I would be more comfortable with the recent trend. Real -time popular posts

Keyboard mouse sharing

I am using two computers, but in Windows+Windows, I used it as a Microsoft Garage Mouse with Borders, but this time I used it as a Mac+Windows, so I was worried because the program was not supported. Once in a hurry, KM switches in Amazon Delivery is so slow ㅠㅠ… . After all, search for a sharing program Synergy feels like something is slow while thinking about SYNERGY and SHAREMOUSE ...

Using Stripe in Korea

While I was wondering if Stripe could not be used in Korea, I remembered a funny method. In Australia, you can use Stripe without entering a social security number or business registration number. The information to be entered in Stripe requires local account number, phone number, and address. Australian account (AUD) is issued from Payoneer. Create an Australian phone number with Skype. (Because it is impossible in Korea, it is created by remotely connecting to the cloud in Australia.) Of

KCLEANER 3.0 Beta Release

I've upgraded KCleaner for a long time. The speed has been greatly improved compared to the previous version. It made it easier to manage the start program and browser plug -in. Starting program management is compatible with MSCONFIG and is perfect for recovery. The report screen is output from the user's default browser. It is easier to delete programs that can be used for the service that needs to be installed. (Internet banking ...

Simple CDN service module made with PHP

I used Cloudflare to reduce the traffic load, but the connection location was LAX (Los Angeles), so I made it to be used to use it as a CDN form. The server is located in VULTR. The principle is that kilho.net/ {file} is connected to cdn.kilho.net/ {file} to disperse the traffic of the main hosting.[PHP] <? $cfg['url'] = 'kilho.net'; $cfg['cache'] = '../data/cache'; $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'].'://'.$cfg['url'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $url_arr = parse_url($url); switch($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { case 'GET': $filename = $cfg['cache'].$url_arr['path']; $dirname = dirname($filename); if(!is_file($filename)) { if(!is_dir($dirname)) mkdir($dirname, 0707, true); $ch = curl_init(); $fp =...

HTTP access information record

When using OpenAPI, it is to check whether the test and access information is properly Messos value, host, POST value when connecting[PHP] <? $log = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].' '.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."nn"; foreach($_SERVER as $k => $v) { if($k=='HTTP_HOST') continue; if(substr($k, 0,5)!='HTTP_') continue; $log .= '$k: $v'."n"; } $log .= "n"; $post = array_map('urldecode', explode('&', file_get_contents('php://input'))); foreach($post as $v) { $log .= "$vn"; } $log .= "-----------------------------------n"; file_put_contents('log.txt', $log, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); ?> [/PHP]