WordPress installation completed

WordPress installation completed

WordPress installation and analysis… It is not yet adaptable.

The delay was huge because it was wandering from installing the menu

  1. If the submenu is a page (?), Navigate failed to print the focus properly.
    Temporary modifications and works normally. I think I should analyze more
    (File Location: /themes/polished/includes/scripts.php)

    //var active_subpage = jQuery('ul.sf-menu ul li.current-cat, ul.sf-menu ul li.current_page_item').parents('li.top-level').prevAll().length;
    var active_subpage = jQuery('ul.sf-menu ul li.current-cat, ul.sf-menu ul li.current-menu-item').parents('li.top-level').prevAll().length;
  2. Installed plugin
    - Automatic subdomains
    - jQuery Vertical Accordion Menu
    - root cookie
    - Permalink Editor (only installation, inactive)


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