
Genta Board Theme 0.9.7 Update

We have updated the bootstrap theme (0.9.7) for the Nouveau. You can use the bootstrap without changing the Gnuboard source. How to install After downloading the theme and installed in the Gnuboard Theme folder. Example)/theme/bootstrap/ Apply bootstrap5 in theme settings. In the default preferences, the recent postskine, search skin, user skin, and FAQ skin are applied to "(theme) Basic". How to use Use index; You can modify the index.php in the theme folder, but it is recommended to create a /main.php file and use it.

Modify the WordPress theme

It is a method of modifying the file that is backed up (represented by a child theme) without touching the original when modifying the WordPress theme. To easily check the children theme used, create a new folder in the "WP-Content/Theme" folder by combining the theme name. Copy the "Style.css" of the original theme to the child theme folder and "Theme Name", "Themplate" as below ...

Preparation for renewal

I changed the hosts file to see if the pages work properly and posted related articles on the existing site Notice. I need to take the article on the existing site as it is, and the program description or so on. And the bottom is that I felt after installing WordPress ~~~ I have installed more than 10 WordPress themes (mostly paid), but there is no theme yet. When the themes are made in English, if you like it, you can install it, but ...