Genta Board Theme 0.9.7 Update

Genta Board Theme 0.9.7 Update

We have updated the bootstrap theme (0.9.7) for the Nouveau.

  • You can use the bootstrap without changing the Gnuboard source.

How to install

  1. Download the theme and install it in the Gnuboard theme folder.
  2. Apply bootstrap5 in theme settings.
  3. In the default preferences, the recent postskine, search skin, user skin, and FAQ skin are applied as “((theme) Basic”.

How to use

  1. Use index
    ; You can modify the index.php in the theme folder, but it is recommended to create a /main.php file and use it.
    (You just need to overwrite it without modifications when you update the theme later.)
  2. Use sidebar
    ; You can create a sidebar.right.php file in the folder where the Gnuboard is installed.
  3. Member image use
    ; The member icon is not used in that theme.
    ; When registering and revising, it is stored as a member image.




  • 부트스트랩 테마 0.9.7 - 2024/07/12
    - 갤러리 스킨 카테고리 버그 수정
  • 부트스트랩 테마 0.9.6 - 2024/02/02
    - 사이브뷰 버그 수정
  • 부트스트랩 테마 0.9.5 - 2024/02/02
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    - 차단 기능 수정
    - 스타일 수정
  • 부트스트랩 테마 0.9.3 - 2024/01/30
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Open source

  • Bootstrap 5.3.2

Related links

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