HTTP access information record

When using OpenAPI, it is to check whether the test and access information is properly
Messos value, host, POST value when connecting
$log = $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_METHOD’]. ”'. $ _ Server[‘HTTP_HOST’].$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]. ”Nn”;
foreach($_SERVER as $k => $v)
if ($ k == 'http_host ’) Continue;
if (substr ($ K, 0,5)! = 'http_') Continue;
$ log. = '$ K: $ V'. “n”;
$ log. = “n”;
$ post = Array_map ('URLDECODE', Explode ('&', File_get_contents ('PHP: // input')));
foreach($post as $v)
$ log. = “$ vn”;
$ log. = “——————————— - n”;
File_Put_Contents ('log.txt', $ log, file_append | Lock_ex);
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