윈도우클리너 3.6.3 업데이트

윈도우클리너(3.6.3) 가 업데이트되었습니다.
- You can easily remove the security (?) Programs that need to be installed for forcibly installed when connecting banks.
- The malicious program made with the same file name as the Windows default processor also ends neatly.
- Essential drivers (graphics, sound) do not end.
(If you exit the driver, your performance may fall.) - Trusted vaccines do not end.
- You can easily stop the slow of the explorer (toolbar).
- It can be used without installation.
- KCleaner:https://kcleaner.kilho.net
- 윈도우클리너 3.6.3 - 2024/11/05
- 버그 수정 및 안정성 개선 - 윈도우클리너 3.6.2 - 2024/08/19
- 컴파일러 업데이트 및 관련 최적화 - 윈도우클리너 3.6.1 - 2024/02/05
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- 트레이 아이콘 용량 축소 - 윈도우클리너 3.5.0 - 2023/06/15
- 프로세스 처리 코어 모듈 변경
Related links
- Update Guide:https://kilho.net/archives/notice/2940
- Kcleaner is freeWare.
- You can use it freely without space restrictions on your company, home, government office, and school.
- You can freely distribute anywhere.
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