Author - 오길호

Gnuboard linked completion

Based on the WordPress member DB, it was linked with Gnuboard to make it possible to write when logging in from BBS. Sharing cookies with sub domain Save the source below as "WP-SSO.PHP" on the server where the WordPress is installed.[PHP][/PHP]If there is no gnuboard session value and WordPress cookie value, module 2 is processed on the server to implement SSO (SINGLE SIGN ON) function If you have a gnuboard session value and the WordPress cookie value, you can empty the session and gangcy the page Nuboard ...

Gnuboard backup rehearsal practice

After receiving the backup carefully (??) to convert the existing DB from EUC-KR to UTF8, I opened it with Editplus, and it contains characters that can be lost in encoding, Ignoring it with a job and changing it to UTF8 and IMPORT .... Damn ㅠㅠ Broken letters Search in a hurry ~~~~ In the end, I can't see the method .. (When dumping-default-character-set, you can't give you all the options ...

WordPress installation completed

Installing WordPress and analyzing ... It is not yet adaptable. The delay was huge because it was wandering from installing the menu If the submenu is a page (?), Navigate failed to print the focus properly. Temporary modifications and works normally. I think I should analyze more (File Location: /themes/polished/includes/scripts.php) Installed plugin -Automatic subdomains -Jquery Vertical Accordion Menu -root cookie -Permalink Editor (only installation, inactive)


I made it by looking at the reality of sitting on my computer without rest. In 50 minutes, you can hear the rest of the bell and after 10 minutes, you will hear the starting angle. (School bell ^^) When you run the program, you can set up and exit with the tray icon. Download The sound effect was released at[주의]-This program is completely free and you can spread it freely. -There is no installation process, and you can unzip it. -Pressing compressed after the end of deletion ...

FLV extraction

After choosing your own IP When playing while using the UCC site, the List of the FLV file is output. Stop button when you want to stop extraction .. I would like to test in various environments (IE, Firefox, ... only 2000/xp or more.) * This program analyzes the SWF file of each UCC site to find the FLV, but also analyzes the network information used on the user's computer.

FLV downloader

You can use it if you want to download the video you want on your computer on multiple UCC sites. There is a problem with a problem, while this program analyzes and extracts the FLV file pattern through the packet used on your computer. How to use the program after running the program, connect to the UCC site and play the video as soon as you play the video ...