Author - 오길호

WordPress, Gnu Board linkage

It is currently linked to WordPress and Gnuboard in Kilhonet. After stabilizing the site more, I tried to release the sauce, and I uploaded something made by the request of Gnuboard users. ( In the future, I think that the pages generated from the WordPress are directly loaded from the Head.php and Tail.php of the Head.php, and the cash processing and content areas are divided up and down and output. Based on the WordPress member DB, it is linked to Gnuboard, when writing BBS posts ...

The server was completed.

Kilhonet main server has been completed. We are looking for pages that have not been properly connected yet, and if you find out the wrong page, please let me know. In addition, the server used as an ImageBox will also be transferred within the next week.

We will transfer the server.

The increase in traffic has transferred the Kilhonet main server to the following time. It is impossible to connect to the homepage during the server transfer. In this time, programs stored on servers such as NEMO or Webmemo are not available. Previous Date: April 19, 2012 Previous time: 4 dawn 4 seeds: 30 minutes (estimated)

Bring jQuery from Google

Because of the traffic, the images and flash files were moved to another server and connected. JQuery finds the following source while surfing and connects to Google Modified File: Theme/Functions.php[PHP] //Making jQuery Google API function modify_jquery() { if (!is_admin()) { // comment out the next two lines to load the local copy of jQuery ...

Kilhonet has been reorganized.

Kilhonet was reorganized from April 15, 2012 at 6:40 pm. After operating in Gnuboard, it was reorganized based on WordPress (* Operated in conjunction with Gnuboard to use existing materials to use) For reference, those who have signed up can create a new password through the "Find Password" through the email address. To use ...

Preparation for renewal

I changed the hosts file to see if the pages work properly and posted related articles on the existing site Notice. I need to take the article on the existing site as it is, and the program description or so on. And the bottom is that I felt after installing WordPress ~~~ I have installed more than 10 WordPress themes (mostly paid), but there is no theme yet. When the themes are made in English, if you like it, you can install it, but ...