Author - 오길호

Time Bell -Boxing

It's literally time bell. To use it at home,… Every 3 minutes, 30 seconds, the sound and the sound of the sound (machine?!) I folded my exercise for a while, and my whole body came back ... Computer exercises are essential! Download

Http analysis tool

You can easily get the information you want by packeting the HTTP protocol. Enter the desired URL under the Domain, enter the variable name under the param, and press additional. ILIKECLICK.COM and LINKPRICE.COM are input as standard. It can be used in Windows 2000 or later, and the question is refined. Download

Product image moving banner maker

It can be easily created by users who do not know the product banner used in the product list in the open market such as auctions and onkets. Press it. You can also create an image of the desired size through the size of the 130x130,90x90 and the direct input. And you can specify the speed to be displayed between images ...

IE list storage/recovery

Rudals rushed to what Rudals said ^^ ( lands&d=4247) Simplifying and restoring the current IE list is literally a simple ignorant (??) program. * By storing only IE lists, login pages can be released as the session or cookie value is lost. How to use I want to save the current IE list. I want to load the stored list. Press the recovery button! Ideal ^^ Download

Show the desired homepage tag

I was blinded at a few requests. (I don't know what bugs will be, but there's no problem with a problem ^^) The request is to operate a shopping mall, but the pages that are well decorated on auctions and other sites. I wanted to refer to it. So I squeezed it easily. Currently, it is set on two sites, and the guitar site will just show the source of the main frame. In addition, please send the address by clicking on Mail or 1: 1 Consultation. Ps. Don't exploit it in the time of me ...