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The server was transferred.

The main account has been transferred. I moved to IWINV hosting to Nayana's ransomware attack, and I think I have been recovering to security for a while. We have installed a new word press and theme and only moved the data. If you find out when you find a broken page, you will take a quick action. Reference Service failures occurred in ransomware attacks. (Kilhonet) Nana NOTICE (Nayana) The Ministry of Future Affairs

Sshscript - Linux (web hosting) Backup comfortably

How to use Run the program. Click the File button, write the work as shown below, and save it. (If you have multiple accounts, you can write it repeatedly.) Press the run button to run. Download Download (Kilhonet) Think After being damaged by one who used Nayana web hosting, I made it with the importance of the backup ㅠㅠ

Service failures occurred in ransomware attacks.

As reported in the SBS 8 o'clock news on Saturday, June 10 (Sat), an IDC institution that manages more than 10,000 websites in Korea received a ransomware attack, causing a failure in the service. I don't know when the recovery will be, so I transferred and restored to another server company. There may be a broken page. If you find it, please let me know the question BBS. thank you Related News: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=shm&sid1=105&oid=055&AID=0000538425 Company Notice: http://www.nayana.com/bbs/set_view.php?b_name=notice&w_no=957 [추가]As a result of receiving the answer from Nayana on the Internet ...