Service failures occurred in ransomware attacks.

As reported in the SBS 8 o'clock news on Saturday, June 10 (Sat), an IDC institution that manages more than 10,000 websites in Korea received a ransomware attack, causing a failure in the service. I don't know when the recovery will be, so I transferred and restored to another server company. There may be a broken page. If you find it, please let me know the question BBS. thank you Related News: Company Notice: [추가]As a result of receiving the answer from Nayana on the Internet ...

Kilhonet has been renovated

The Kilhonet homepage has been renovated with a new theme. Existing themes occupy a lot of loads when loading, so that it was changed to a light and clean theme. When you find a part that is not applicable in the process of changing, please leave it in the question bbs. Please pay attention.

Simple CDN service module made with PHP

I used Cloudflare to reduce the traffic load, but the connection location was LAX (Los Angeles), so I made it to be used to use it as a CDN form. The server is located in VULTR. The principle is that {file} is connected to {file} to disperse the traffic of the main hosting.[PHP] <? $cfg['url'] = ''; $cfg['cache'] = '../data/cache'; $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'].'://'.$cfg['url'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $url_arr = parse_url($url); switch($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { case 'GET': $filename = $cfg['cache'].$url_arr['path']; $dirname = dirname($filename); if(!is_file($filename)) { if(!is_dir($dirname)) mkdir($dirname, 0707, true); $ch = curl_init(); $fp =...

Goblin candle app registration

It's an app that I made a long time thinking about the drama "Goblin".   If you turn off the candle, you see the call to the goblin (shared). In the app, I made SMS characters. Addition The candle of the solution has been added. When you have trouble, blow the wind ~ The flash function has been added.