The server was transferred.

The main account has been transferred. I moved to IWINV hosting to Nayana's ransomware attack, and I think I have been recovering to security for a while. We have installed a new word press and theme and only moved the data. If you find out when you find a broken page, you will take a quick action. Reference Service failures occurred in ransomware attacks. (Kilhonet) Nana NOTICE (Nayana) The Ministry of Future Affairs

KCLEANER 3.0 Beta Release

I've upgraded KCleaner for a long time. The speed has been greatly improved compared to the previous version. It made it easier to manage the start program and browser plug -in. Starting program management is compatible with MSCONFIG and is perfect for recovery. The report screen is output from the user's default browser. It is easier to delete programs that can be used for the service that needs to be installed. (Internet banking ...

Web hacking, backdoor dangerous code detection plug -in

This is a plug -in made to easily find a backdoor (PHP) installed for server hacking. Find a file that uses a function that can be exploited in PHP and inform you by e -mail. WordPress, Gnuboard 5 can be easily installed and used. If you first activate it, you will be inspected as a whole, and if you find a suspicious file every hour, we will inform you by administrator e -mail. How to use Download the plug -in for that solution. The file downloaded to the folder below ...

Bank Cleaner - Delete Internet Banking Plug -in

특징 부팅 시 자동 실행 프로그램을 손쉽게 관리합니다. 시작프로그램 폴더, 레지스트리, 작업 스케줄러, 서비스 등 다양한 항목을 통합 관리합니다. 삭제 대신 비활성화하여 안전하게 설정을 변경합니다.   사용방법 프로그램을 실행시킵니다. 설치된 프로그램 목록을 클릭하거나 드래그해서 선택합니다. "제거하기" 버튼을 클릭합니다. 라이센스 은행클리너는 Freeware 입니다. 회사, 집, 관공서, 학교 등 공간 제약 없이 마음대로 사용하실 수 있습니다. 자유롭게 어디에서나 배포가 가능합니다. 주절주절 인터넷뱅킹하기 위해 깔린 쓰잘때기 없는...

Registry Monitoring (Delphi)

How to use Procedure RegistryMonitor (Rootkey: hKey; Key: String; Proc: Tproc; WatchSub: boolean); begin TTHREAD.CREATEANYNYMOUSTHREAD (Procedure var Reg: Tregistry; Event: Cardinal; begin Reg: = trrewistry.create; Reg.rootkey: = rootKey; if reg.openkeyreadonly (key) begin Event: = Createevent (NIL, FALSE, FALSE, NIL); if event> 0 then begin while true do begin RegNotifychandureKeyvalue (reg.currentkey, watchsub, reg_notify_Change_last_set, event, true); if waitForsingleObject (event, infinite) = wait_object_0 the tthread.synchronize (TTHREAD.CURENTHREAD, Procedure Begin Proc End); End; End; End; Reg.Free; end) .start; End; // Proc: Enter command // WatchSub: Subside monitoring ...

Installation and use of morphological analysis (PHP)

Installation Environment: Centos7 Basic, php7 Yum Install GCC-C ++ Java-1.7.0-OPENJDK-Devel Python-Devel ZLIB-Devel OpenSSL-Devel Git-Y wget TAR XF Python-3.* CD Python-3.* ./configure make Make Altinstall pip3.6 Install jpype1-Py3 PIP3.6 Install Konlpy CD .. wget TAR ZXFV MECAB-0.996-KO-0.2.2.tar.gz CD Mecab-0.996-KO-0.9.2 ./configure make Make Install CD .. wget TAR ZXFV MECAB-KO-DIC-2.0.1-20150920.tar.gz CD MECAB-KO-DIC-2.0.1-20150920 ./ ./configure make Make Install CD/USR/Local/SRC/ git clone CD/USR/LOCAL/SRC/PHP-MECAB/MECAB phpize ./configure --with-PHP-config =/usr/bin/php-config --with-mecab =/usr/local/bin/mecab-config make make test Make Install Echo "Extension ="> /etc/php.d/mecab.ini Systemctl Restart httpd.service PHP ...