
Genta Board Theme 0.9.7 Update

We have updated the bootstrap theme (0.9.7) for the Nouveau. You can use the bootstrap without changing the Gnuboard source. How to install After downloading the theme and installed in the Gnuboard Theme folder. Example)/theme/bootstrap/ Apply bootstrap5 in theme settings. In the default preferences, the recent postskine, search skin, user skin, and FAQ skin are applied to "(theme) Basic". How to use Use index; You can modify the index.php in the theme folder, but it is recommended to create a /main.php file and use it.

Web hacking, backdoor dangerous code detection plug -in

This is a plug -in made to easily find a backdoor (PHP) installed for server hacking. Find a file that uses a function that can be exploited in PHP and inform you by e -mail. WordPress, Gnuboard 5 can be easily installed and used. If you first activate it, you will be inspected as a whole, and if you find a suspicious file every hour, we will inform you by administrator e -mail. How to use Download the plug -in for that solution. The file downloaded to the folder below ...

Error when installing Gnuboard on Autoset

The error occurred when I installed the Gnuboard on the Windows server. I don't know what the latest version is, but what's on "V 6.3.1" ... (How old is it?) Anyway, "500 error" occurs when you approach the "Data" folder. Deleting the ".htaccess" file confirms that it can be used normally Edit from "HTTP-VHOSTS" to "Allowoverride All" The web server is restarted and confirmed that it works normally ^^ (After modifying, I found that there are articles such as http://sir.kr/qa/25353)

What if you use the Tistory Skin on the Nu Board?!

The biggest reason for changing Kilhonet from Gnuboard to WordPress is because of its design. WordPress allows the layout design to be easily changed through the "theme". In addition, there are a lot of users, and there are a lot of individuals and companies that make "themes", so choosing themes can also be a pleasure. Most useful themes are paid, but the price is relatively low. (Most of them, less than 50 $) I used to think from time to time, but ...

WordPress, Gnu Board linkage

It is currently linked to WordPress and Gnuboard in Kilhonet. After stabilizing the site more, I tried to release the sauce, and I uploaded something made by the request of Gnuboard users. (http://sir.co.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=cm_free&wr_id=741180) In the future, I think that the pages generated from the WordPress are directly loaded from the Head.php and Tail.php of the Head.php, and the cash processing and content areas are divided up and down and output. Based on the WordPress member DB, it is linked to Gnuboard, when writing BBS posts ...

Gnuboard linked completion

Based on the WordPress member DB, it was linked with Gnuboard to make it possible to write when logging in from BBS. Sharing cookies with sub domain Save the source below as "WP-SSO.PHP" on the server where the WordPress is installed.[PHP][/PHP]If there is no gnuboard session value and WordPress cookie value, module 2 is processed on the server to implement SSO (SINGLE SIGN ON) function If you have a gnuboard session value and the WordPress cookie value, you can empty the session and gangcy the page Nuboard ...