php.ini file settings

Confirm after installing the server Short_open_tag = ON "<? PHP" and "<?" Make it available. Display_errors = On When executing a PHP script, the message is output when the error occurs. (In case of OFF, HTTP 500 internal server error output) Date.TIMEZONE = Asia/SEOUL Set the time zone. error_reporting = e_all & ~ e_notice & ~ e_deprecated NOTICE error is ignored. (* php.ini path: PHP --ini | grep php.ini)

Server transfer completion

hello Kilhonet operator. The server transfer due to the increase in traffic. Currently, most pages are connected normally, and if you find out the e -mail below when you find a problem, we will process it immediately. Email: Date: 2014-03-28 ~ 2014-04-01 (5 days) Content: Server transfer work as the server overload due to the surge in site users thank you

Windows Cleaner 2.3 Update

We have updated some stabilization and user suggestions. It works well in Windows 8. IE plugin has been added. The main features added to the 2.2 and 2.3 are easy and safer to surf the web by easily terminating the plug -in, such as IE toolbar, which is commonly used as malicious programs. (After checking the Clean IE, just check the plug -in to use and click "Initialize") Add the function ...

Windows Cleaner 2.2 Update

It has been updated for a long time and distributed. The core of this version can make the web surfing faster and more safely, excluding the plug -ins as the toolbar used by connected to the IE. (After checking the Clean IE, just check the plug -in to use and click "Initialize") I briefly wrote down the motivation for adding the function Initialization in kcleaner, malicious programs (??) ends, and when the browser is executed, certain plug -in ...