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Secret DNS 3.4.6 Update

We updated Secret DNS (3.4.6). If you use the recommended options, you can use exceptions to only the site you need. SNI character heat is only fragmentation to minimize speed decrease. Only the specified domain can perform SNI fragmentation and DNS. DNS server is specified without changing Windows settings. You can easily check the connected domain. It can be used without installation. (No installation version) Mix it with the proxy function. Downloaddownload from Kilhonet Recommended options DNS ...

Secret DNS 3.3.2 Update

We updated Secret DNS (3.3.2). If you use the recommended options, you can use exceptions to only the site you need. SNI character heat is only fragmentation to minimize speed decrease. Only the specified domain can perform SNI fragmentation and DNS. DNS server is specified without changing Windows settings. You can easily check the connected domain. It can be used without installation. (No installation version) Mix it with the proxy function. Downloaddownload from Kilhonet Recommended options DNS ...

Secret DNS 3.2.6 Update

Updated to Secret DNS ( If you use the recommended options, you can use exceptions to only the site you need. It includes the ability to prevent DNS modulation (DNS over https). It includes a function to bypass SNI interception (http/https). SNI character heat is only fragmentation to minimize speed decrease. Only the specified domain can perform SNI fragmentation and DNS. DNS server is specified without changing Windows settings. Minimize access disorders through white list. Easy the connected domain ...

Secret DNS 3.2.4 Update

Updated to Secret DNS ( If you use the recommended options, you can use exceptions to only the site you need. It includes the ability to prevent DNS modulation (DNS over https). It includes a function to bypass SNI interception (http/https). SNI character heat is only fragmentation to minimize speed decrease. Only the specified domain can perform SNI fragmentation and DNS. DNS server is specified without changing Windows settings. Minimize access disorders through white list. Easy the connected domain ...

Secret SNI update

Secret SNI has been updated to the Secret DNS -free version. Integrated with Secret DNS. Secret SNI can be used as a Secret DNS -free version. I added a tray icon. When booting, the auto -execution function has been added. The optimal threads minimize the slowdown. You can edit the whitelist.txt to enter the domain you want to do with the exception. So that you can easily set up DNS through preferences ...

Secret SNI deployment

Server name indication (SNI) is a program that interferes with interception and alteration. Previously, the speed decreased when using the Secret DPI, GoodbyeedPi, and MTU settings. Only fragmentation is detected in SNI, and other packets are used normally. (1) Before running (2) After running Kilho.net is exposed before the program execution (1), but after execution (2), you can confirm that it is divided into LHO.NET ...