Finding the current location (PHP)

The location is obtained through the Geolocation function, and if it is a browser that is not related or supported, the location is obtained with the IPI through the API provided by Naver. Before use, get Naver's API key to the address below ( <? Function Makesignature ($ Secretkey, $ Method, $ Basestring, $ Timestamp, $ AccessKey) { $ space = '; $ newline = "\ n"; $ hmac = $ method. $ space. $ baseString. $ signaute = base64_encode (hash_hmac ('SHA256', $ HMAC, $ Secretkey, True)); return $ signaute; } if ($ _ POST ['ORDER'] == 'geolocation') { $hostNameUrl = ''; $requestUrl= '/geolocation/v2/geoLocation'; $accessKey...

Bank Cleaner update

해당 기능을 윈도우클리너 에 포함한 후로 업데이트가 많이 늦었습니다. 데이터를 서버에서 가져오는 기능을 추가해서 삭제 목록 갱신을 위해 프로그램을 업데이트 하지 않도록 하였습니다. 은행 플러그인들만 삭제해도 컴퓨터가 확실히 빨라집니다!! 은행 접속 횟수가 많지 않다면 플러그인을 지워주세요. 다운로드

Secret DNS update

Recently, there was an issue about SNI interception, creating and disclosing Secret DPI and Secret SNI, and there are many opinions on running multiple programs, so we can bypass DNS encryption and SNI with one program. And when the program is terminated, the DNS is automatically set, but in this process, there is a user environment that cannot be internet if it is not set manually.

Secret SNI deployment

Server name indication (SNI) is a program that interferes with interception and alteration. Previously, the speed decreased when using the Secret DPI, GoodbyeedPi, and MTU settings. Only fragmentation is detected in SNI, and other packets are used normally. (1) Before running (2) After running is exposed before the program execution (1), but after execution (2), you can confirm that it is divided into LHO.NET ...

Go Language Install - Windows

1. Download and install from 2. Creating a work folder (e.g. d: \ source \ go) 3. Create BIN, PKG, SRC folder at the bottom 4. Windows Control Panel-> System-> Advanced System Settings-> Environment Variables 5. Input to GOPATH in a user variable group 6. Enter GOPATH in the variable name 7. Input Task Folder in Variable values ​​(e.g. d: \ source \ go) 8....