이미지변환기 1.4.9 업데이트

이미지변환기(1.4.9) 가 업데이트되었습니다.
- You can change various image formats.
- Save JPG with higher compression rate using Mozjpeg.
- PDF files are saved for each page.
- If it is a transparent background, it is maintained in PNG and Webp.
- You can convert right -click context menu.
- It can be used without installation.
- Image converter:https://imageconverter.kilho.net
- ImageConverter 1.4.9 (2024/01/16)
- Updated the library files used by the program - ImageConverter 1.4.8 (2024/12/09)
- Supported Unicode filenames
- Revised popup menu translation
- Added indicator feature
- Dropped 32-bit support - ImageConverter 1.4.6 (2024/11/24)
- Completely removed Delphi VCL Styles.
- Resolved Direct2D errors occurring on specific computer environments
- Enhanced HiDPI optimization. - ImageConverter 1.4.5 (2024/11/16)
- Fixed bugs and improve reliability - ImageConverter 1.4.4 (2024/11/03)
- Improved update notification module.
- Fixed missing translations.
Related links
- Update Guide:https://kilho.net/archives/notice/2940
- The image converter is freeWare.
- You can use it freely without space restrictions on your company, home, government office, and school.
- You can freely distribute anywhere.
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