Memory Cleaner 1.7.0 update

Memory Cleaner 1.7.0 update

We updated the memory cleaner (1.7.0).

  • Summarize various memory areas.
  • Automatic cleanup according to settings.
  • It can be used without installation.




  • MemoryCleaner 1.7.0 - 2024/09/06
    - Supported features include bug reporting.
  • MemoryCleaner 1.6.8 - 2024/08/16
    - Updated compiler and related optimization.
  • MemoryCleaner 1.6.6 - 2024/07/22
    - Fixed bugs and improve reliability.
  • MemoryCleaner 1.6.4 - 2024/06/18
    - Fixed modules related to threads.
    - Improved HiDPI scaling.
  • MemoryCleaner 1.6.2 - 2024/05/20
    - Fixed a bug with saving cleanups when clicking the tray icon
    - Fix execution after 60 seconds after boot

Related links


  • The memory cleaner is freeWare.
  • You can use it freely without space restrictions on your company, home, government office, and school.
  • You can freely distribute anywhere.

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