Auto Click 1.3.3 Update

Auto Click 1.3.3 Update

We updated Auto Click (1.3.3).

  • Mouse automatic click program.
  • You can use time and coordinates to use it in multiple patterns.
  • Details can be specified for clicks.
  • It can be used without installation.




  • AutoClick 1.3.3 - 2024/09/14
    - Supported features include bug reporting.
  • AutoClick 1.3.2 - 2024/08/16
    - Added the ability to save settings
    - Fixed error if no record exists
  • AutoClick 1.3.0 - 2023/09/20
    - Fixes for mouse position
  • AutoClick 1.2.0 - 2023/08/19
    - Modify the Check for Updates module
  • AutoClick 1.1.0 - 2023/04/13
    - Record keeping, delete function added

Related links


  • Auto click is freeWare.
  • You can use it freely without space restrictions on your company, home, government office, and school.
  • You can freely distribute anywhere.

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