
Service failures occurred in ransomware attacks.

As reported in the SBS 8 o'clock news on Saturday, June 10 (Sat), an IDC institution that manages more than 10,000 websites in Korea received a ransomware attack, causing a failure in the service. I don't know when the recovery will be, so I transferred and restored to another server company. There may be a broken page. If you find it, please let me know the question BBS. thank you Related News: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=shm&sid1=105&oid=055&AID=0000538425 Company Notice: http://www.nayana.com/bbs/set_view.php?b_name=notice&w_no=957 [추가]As a result of receiving the answer from Nayana on the Internet ...

Kilhonet has been renovated

The Kilhonet homepage has been renovated with a new theme. Existing themes occupy a lot of loads when loading, so that it was changed to a light and clean theme. When you find a part that is not applicable in the process of changing, please leave it in the question bbs. Please pay attention.

Goblin candle app registration

It's an app that I made a long time thinking about the drama "Goblin". If you turn off the candle, you see the call to the goblin (shared). In the app, I made SMS characters. More details The candle of the solution has been added. When you have trouble, blow the wind ~ The flash function has been added. Download (Android) Download (iPhone)

The server was transferred.

The main domain (excluding sub -domain) moved the server operated. Previously, I was receiving services at Cafe 24, and I received an answer that OpenSSL upgrade was impossible due to problems such as CentOS version, and I modified the source of WordPress core and plug -in, and operated it as a temporary measure. It was. Currently, several users have moved to Ivy Hosting, which recommended WordPress hosting. You may not be able to access several hours, such as changing the name server ...