Author - 오길호

SSH port change (Centos)

SSHD settings VI/ETC/SSH/SSHD_CONFIG Port {port number} Service SSHD RESTART Firewall setting VI/ETC/Sysconfig/iptables -A input -M State -state New -M TCP -P TCP -DPORT {Port} -j Accept Service iptables Restart * After changing the SSH port, the firewall setting allows you to use that port.

php.ini file settings

Confirm after installing the server Short_open_tag = ON "<? PHP" and "<?" Make it available. Display_errors = On When executing a PHP script, the message is output when the error occurs. (In case of OFF, HTTP 500 internal server error output) Date.TIMEZONE = Asia/SEOUL Set the time zone. error_reporting = e_all & ~ e_notice & ~ e_deprecated NOTICE error is ignored. (* php.ini path: PHP --ini | grep php.ini)

Server transfer completion

Hello Kilhonet Operator. The traffic has been transferred to the server. Most pages are now connected normally. Email: Date: 2014-03-28 ~ 2014-04-01 (5 days) Content: Server transfer work as the server overload due to the surge in site users thank you

V3 Ohjin ㅠㅠ

Stupid I only put Embeddedwb, Memo, and IDTCPSERVER components in Delphi 7, but from V3 Lite to malware. It's a mistake that I don't use all the time, and it's like a recent hacking case ..... ㅉ As a hobby, when I make a public program, I care about these things. Delete V3!

Windows Cleaner 2.3 Update

We have updated some stabilization and user suggestions. It works well in Windows 8. IE plugin has been added. The main features added to the 2.2 and 2.3 are easy and safer to surf the web by easily terminating the plug -in, such as IE toolbar, which is commonly used as malicious programs. (After checking the Clean IE, just check the plug -in to use and click "Initialize") Add the function ...