Author - 오길호

The Kilhonet homepage has been renewed.

The Kilhonet website has been renewed with a new theme. Existing themes occupy a lot of loads when loading, so that it was changed to a light and clean theme. When you find a part that is not applicable in the process of changing, please leave it in BBS-Question BBS. Please pay attention. thank you

PageFile.sys, Hiberfil.sys removal

Pagefile.sys removal (files that use hard disk as RAM if you lack memory) Control Panel -System -Advanced System Settings Advanced tab -settings Advanced tab -Change Uncheck the automatic check of automatic management of paging files for all drives No paging file -setting Hiberfil.sys (temporary file for maximum power saving mode) Start -CMD -Run with administrator authority PowerCFG ...

SSH port change (Centos)

SSHD settings VI/ETC/SSH/SSHD_CONFIG Port {port number} Service SSHD RESTART Firewall setting VI/ETC/Sysconfig/iptables -A input -M State -state New -M TCP -P TCP -DPORT {Port} -j Accept Service iptables Restart * After changing the SSH port, the firewall setting allows you to use that port.

php.ini file settings

Confirm after installing the server Short_open_tag = ON "<? PHP" and "<?" Make it available. Display_errors = On When executing a PHP script, the message is output when the error occurs. (In case of OFF, HTTP 500 internal server error output) Date.TIMEZONE = Asia/SEOUL Set the time zone. error_reporting = e_all & ~ e_notice & ~ e_deprecated NOTICE error is ignored. (* php.ini path: PHP --ini | grep php.ini)

Server transfer completion

Hello Kilhonet Operator. The traffic has been transferred to the server. Most pages are now connected normally. Email: Date: 2014-03-28 ~ 2014-04-01 (5 days) Content: Server transfer work as the server overload due to the surge in site users thank you