
Secret DNS 3.3.2 Update

We updated Secret DNS (3.3.2). If you use the recommended options, you can use exceptions to only the site you need. SNI character heat is only fragmentation to minimize speed decrease. Only the specified domain can perform SNI fragmentation and DNS. DNS server is specified without changing Windows settings. You can easily check the connected domain. Mix it with the proxy function. Can be used without installation Download Kilhonet Download Recommended options DNS Settings -...

ImageBox access disorder

Due to the recent extension of the domain, there was a temporary inconvenience in accessing the website. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and confusion caused by this. The extension procedure has been completed, and after a while, the website is expected to work normally. This will do our best to prevent additional inconvenience. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. thank you

Secret DNS 3.2.6 Update

Updated to Secret DNS ( If you use the recommended options, you can use exceptions to only the site you need. It includes the ability to prevent DNS modulation (DNS over https). It includes a function to bypass SNI interception (http/https). SNI character heat is only fragmentation to minimize speed decrease. Only the specified domain can perform SNI fragmentation and DNS. DNS server is specified without changing Windows settings. Minimize access disorders through white list. Easy the connected domain ...

KCleaner 3.6.0 update

윈도우클리너( 를 업데이트 하였습니다. 은행 접속시 강제로 설치해야 하는 보안(?) 프로그램들을 손쉽게 제거할 수 있습니다. 윈도우 기본 프로세서와 동일한 파일명으로 만든 악성프로그램도 깔끔하게 종료합니다. 필수적인 드라이버(그래픽, 사운드)는 종료하지 않습니다.(드라이버를 종료하면 성능이 떨어질 수 있습니다.) 신뢰할 수 있는 백신은 종료하지 않습니다. 익스플로어를 느리게 하는것(툴바 등)을 쉽게 중지할 수 있습니다. 설치 없이 사용 가능합니다. DOWNLOAD 길호넷에서 다운로드하기 HISTORY 윈도우클리너 3.6.3...

Secret DNS 3.2.4 Update

Updated to Secret DNS ( If you use the recommended options, you can use exceptions to only the site you need. It includes the ability to prevent DNS modulation (DNS over https). It includes a function to bypass SNI interception (http/https). SNI character heat is only fragmentation to minimize speed decrease. Only the specified domain can perform SNI fragmentation and DNS. DNS server is specified without changing Windows settings. Minimize access disorders through white list. Easy the connected domain ...

Boosting 1.2.0 update

부스트핑( 으로 업데이트 되었습니다. 활성중인 네트워크를 정확히 분석하여 설정합니다. 네트워크 쓰로틀링 인덱스를 변경합니다. 네이글 알고리즘을 해제합니다. 설치 없이 사용 가능합니다. HISTORY BoostPing 1.4.8 (2024/11/22) - Completely removed Delphi VCL Styles. - Resolved Direct2D errors occurring on specific computer environments - Enhanced HiDPI optimization. - Fixed to extract network adapters when using Hyper-V. BoostPing 1.4.7 (2024/11/15)...