Windows Cleaner 2.3 Update

Windows Cleaner 2.3 Update

We have updated some stabilization and user suggestions.

  • It works well in Windows 8.
  • IE plugin has been added.

The main features of the 2.2 and 2.3 add to the plug -ins like IE toolbars, which are often used as malicious programs, so that the web surfing can be faster and safer.

(After checking the Clean IE, check the plug -in to use and click “Initialize”)

I briefly written the motivation to add the feature. (Same as 2.2, put it as it is)

  • Initialization in kcleaner, malicious programs (??) ends, and as the browser is executed, certain plug -in programs (toolbars, etc.) run the terminated program again.
  • Most of these plug -ins are not made by talented programmers, so when surfing the web, the speed is often lowered and the window is closed.
  • When using utility that organizes the toolbar, even if the user erases the toolbar -related registers, there are many programs that set up the registry in real time.

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