Web hacking, backdoor dangerous code detection plug -in

Web hacking, backdoor dangerous code detection plug -in

This is a plug -in made to easily find a backdoor (PHP) installed for server hacking.

Find a file that uses a function that can be exploited in PHP and inform you by e -mail.


WordPress, Gnuboard 5 can be easily installed and used.


If you first activate it, you will be inspected as a whole, and if you find a suspicious file every hour, we will inform you by administrator e -mail.


How to use

  1. Download the plug -in for that solution.
  2. Unzip and copy the downloaded file to the folder below.
    -WordPress: /WP-Content/plugins/KH-SCAN/KH.SCAN.PHP
    - Annuboard: /EXTENDED/KH.SCAN.PHP
  3. In the case of WordPress, in the plug -in list, “Kilho’ s Anti Backdoor for WordPressActivate.





  • In the post to check the previous PHP dangerous codeMatthewI made an opinion and made it a WordPress plugin.


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